CallTime 2024
The fun and adventures continue with our good friends at CallTime as ‘we’ celebrate their 1st anniversary of the launch of CallTime READY and a proud 10th year as CallTime. The style sheets continues to develop, we have created brochures and flyers, both physical and digital, display items for…
Screenshotmockups-design.com Hot off the presses and currently at testing stage. A brand new, industry lead, global, Film Industry, Community Hub, MVP. Logo design, design lead, platform conception and development, animation, working with developers to create MVP web design. The project is deep in testing and investment stages. Loads of very…
Big Show Off
Hot off the press! We are developing something that is as big as it is named. In simple terms it’s a platform for creatives, whether at school, college, university, industry or groups of makers and artists to show off their stuff. More details to follow.
We were asked by a training provider to produce some on site graphics/signage to help shake off their slightly old fashioned look and modernise some of the departments/centres/groups. We developed a series of brands that were to be independent and stand alone, but also be part of the same family….
Bike Repairs
When we had our first meeting with this client he presented us with a treasured little metal-wire bicycle sculpture someone had made for him. This became the inspiration for the illustrative part of his logo. The logo was to be used as a facebook and instagram header as well as…
Frisbee Dog
Love this one! We were fortunate to have been involved with this project from day one. The initial task was to name and develop the look for a new logistics and procurement company, who boasted that they could handle anything you could throw at them. It was run by a…
Eco-Kids brand
Found this one is the archives and wanted to give it another airing. Sadly another victim of the lockdown, this small but passionate company were real trailblazers in the design and manufacture of real eco friendly clothing, toiletries and gifts. Kicking off with Baby it wasn’t long before they wanted…
CallTime 2.0
Did you know? It is usual for a company ID to need a refresh after 8-10 years. Fact! We agree it does sound like something a design company would have made up, but there is an element of truth in such a bold statement. We bumped into a exciting new…
Multi School Trust
One from the archives but an interesting project. The first part was to create an identity for a multi academy trust. Followed by rebranding two of their school members and show how the they sit within the trust identity. The main trust logo had to feel inspiring and modern, and…
Team 2 Corporate
We have worked with Team 2 for nearly 10 years and have enjoyed shaping a unique brand with them. The latest project was to design a full stationery revamp. We had established a while ago the ‘To The Rescue’ philosophy and so this latest iteration was also to follow this….