Clik Club
Design, Photography
Project: The Clik Club is a creative photography club aimed at different groups of all ages and ability. We have run this club at EF Language School since 2014 and this last year has produced some of the best images yet. What makes the Clik Club different to most photography clubs is the heavy emphasis on creativity and the application of photography. The brief could be to take pictures that a designer can use on a set of Movie Posters, it could be a collaborative project working with a Digital Designer, or an indulgent Light Painting project sealed in a dark room with a set of coloured lights.
The members always rise to the challenge and have notably improved their understanding of all the manual settings on a DSLR camera, shown an increased maturity when working closely with a model in a fun relaxed environment.
The finished images are displayed in an annual portfolio book for members to buy as a reminder of the years work.